To Use “International Indian School -Parent App” in mobile app
Step 1: Search with International Indian School Parent App in play store / App store.
Step 2: Use your parent id and password as per instruction give in circular.
To use “International Indian School Parent Portal” in browser
Step 1: open school website. URL to open school website is:
Step 2: Click the "Parent Portal" button on the top of the website or "Login" button in the Parent Portal Page of the website.
Step 3: Enter parent id and password (Please contact school for getting Parent ID. default password is 12345678*. We strongly recommend you to change your password at first login. If you forget password click on forget password link given on login page.)
Note: In case of any difficulty while accessing parent portal / mobile app, kindly mail us at [email protected]
To upload student photo for ID card printing
Step 1: login in to parent portal (in browser or in mobile app).
Step 2: To upload photo click on student profile -> click on blank photo and upload photo.
Note: Photo size should be less than 200 KB and MUST be in school uniform. JPEG format is preferred.